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Most of us are readily able to classify a feeling as “good” or “bad” depending upon how much we find that feeling to be either pleasant or unpleasant. We then will (mindlessly) think of ways in which we can avoid that experience and/or future situations that may lead to that experience. This often results in short term gains at the expense of possible long term negative effects.

Skye has the power to Open Up and help people to understand and accept their unpleasant emotions. Skye is all about accepting that we need all of our feelings to make a rich life, just like we need all of the colours to make a rainbow.

Skye’s powers of Acceptance include the Healing Hand and the ability to draw a feeling into reality. She can also create space or make room for feelings. It is not about giving in to the feelings or letting the feelings control you, it is about learning the power of letting the feelings come and go. 

It is in this way that we come to accept those feelings as part of being human (our rainbow of feelings) and we can then choose different actions based on our values.